
My Fair City

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Act One

I woke up today just like any other day in the cruel city of Verona. It is about 30 degrees out side but I still feel cold. Life has never been the same for me ever since I met Rosaline. Everyday I wake up feeling the same way: cold and bitter. Why can’t she love me as I love her? Are her feelings not strong enough for me? Does she have any feelings for me at all? All I know that is that I loved and lost because she wants to be a nun, which means no luck for me.

I was walking at the beach yesterday, trying to collect my thoughts (or what was left of them) when I saw my father walk off rather quickly and before I knew it I was pouring out my soul to Benvolio. He is always there to help in a time of need. He can understand my complex feelings and helps me through the rough patches. We walked a little before I saw enough. There was another fight in the streets of Verona. By our family name we always seem to fight. I was going to ask Benvolio what happened, but I know it all too well.

As we walk, we encounter a servant. He was obviously illiterate because he was asking around for people to read him a piece of paper. He approaches Benvoilio and I and asks us to read it. Me being the kind person I am, I read it for him. It was obviously a party list because it had many names on it. As I read through, another wound is opened in the name of love. Rosaline would be attending this party. They servant thanks us and invites us to the party but makes it quite clear that the Montagues were not welcome. Well me being in the state that I was and Benvolio being the type to lift my spirit, says that we should attend the party, even though we were indirectly told not to come. At first I did not like this idea. We could be caught and Tybalt would not take kindly to this. We could be killed!

I awoke in the middle of the night with a terrible dream. Something was going to happen. Something bad.

On our way to the party, Mercutio, Benvoilio and I chatted. Eventually the topic of my dream came up. Mercutio being the way his is, started to explain to me the story of Queen Mab. After Mercutio gets all worked up about it, I tell him that the story is not true and I agree to go to the party against my better judgment.

The party seemed pointless to me. I knew no one except Mercutio and Benvolio. I got scared a couple times when I saw Tybalt or Capulet because i knew going the the party was a bad idea. The food there was not too great either but what made the party so great was a young woman I saw. After I looked at her, Rosaline seemed far in the past. At first I did not want to take any action upon seeing her, but soon enough we were dancing. Some people do not believe in love at first sight but I do and I knew it was true after we started to speak a sonnet together; her finishing my lines and me finishing hers. Nothing lasts for ever though becasue soon after we kissed, the Capulet nurse told her that her mother would like to talk to her. This left me in pure shock! My love was enemy?

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