
My Fair City

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Act Five

No news would have been better news. Juliet is dead. My only joy. My only love. My only life. How could this have happened? Was it me? Did she kill her self becasue of my banishment. No matter, she is gone and so is my point ins living. There is nothing left for me to do now but go and see my love for the last time and then join her in Heaven. I had to find the apothecary I saw earlier. I called out to him and eventually found him. I offered him all the money I had for his fastest working poison. It was not easy to convince him to break the law but I finally got it. I found Balthasar, my servant and friend, and got him to where my love lay.

"Farewell..." My last words to my long time friend Balthasar. I had to do what I had to do. I entered the place where Juliet laid to see my lady once more. I opened the tomb with all my might. It seemed so empty, but I would fill it by the end of the night. Ah her lips. Her hands, her face. Why does she stay so beautiful even when she is dead? There was a crack behind me. The County Paris has his sword drawn on me and accuses me of such villainous deeds. "...tempt not a desperate man..." (5.3.59) I say to him, but he swung at me anyways. I merely fought back and ended up, in my rage, killing the poor man. I thought one murder in my hands was bad enough, but having two is enough to drive an sane man crazy. At last, the deed had to be done. I kissed my Juliet for the last time, and drank the vile poison. It worked faster than I thought it wou-

Romeo Montague (1117-1133)

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