
My Fair City

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Act Three

Something that I hate to see, but I see it all the time. My family fighting with the Capulets. But this time is was different. It was not Benvolio, or any of the servants, it was Mercutio! And who was it that he was fighting with? Of course! No other man but Tybalt! I ran to them as fast as I could. I tried to break up their quarrel but it was no use, Mercutio started the fight and Tybalt fought back. I finally kept them at peace for a moment until that vile, monster Tybalt took his last blow on the unsuspecting Mercutio. "A plague o’ both your houses!" (3.1.90) is all he would say to me. Why, oh why did this happen? My good friend Mercutio had to die for my family. Well, I knew what I had to do. I would not leave Tybalt unpunished. "Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him..." (3.1.128) I said. I demanded he draw his sword and we fought. With all the power in my body I slew Tybalt; I sent him to his dark grave. My new cousin, his blood on my hands. I fled as fast as I could.

BANISH'D! BANISH'D! The word knows no mercy! Friar says this is mercy! How can this be mercy? I wish more to be dead then have to live outside of my fair city of Verona. The only comfort I get is when the Nurse comes with news. She says that she will tell Juliet I will come to her and see her to comfort her loss of me and her vicious cousin- I will not speak his name. She also gave me Juliet's ring. Oh, what joy that brought me. And with that I left the Friar's cell to got see my Juliet and finish our marriage.

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