
My Fair City

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Act Two

Mercutio must think he is really smart but he hurts me not with his words of Rosaline. She is in the past now and Juliet is my future. No matter, tonight I saw my fair lady. I climbed the wall surrounding the Capulet property just too see her. As I walked the property, I saw a light come from a balcony. I knew instantly it was Juliet. I went close to where she was to talk to her, but she began to speak aloud. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" (2.2.33) I remember her say it like the angels sing from Heaven. At that moment I had a decision to make: do I speak or continue listening? I chose to listen in some more, see if she really meant me, but after about a minute or two I could not take it any longer. I had to speak! "I take thee at thy word..." (2.2.49) I remember saying. She was startled a first that someone had heard all that she had said, but we soon began talking of love. Ah that word is so sweet! But soon after Juliet began speaking of marriage. I love this girl but are we ready for marriage? It seems too soon! But then again, love knows no time. I told her that we will indeed get married and that I would talk to friar Lawrence. Unfortunately, the nurse called upon Juliet and so I had to be gone. If anyone found me on that land I would no doubt be killed.

Friar Lawrence just does not understand! I no longer have feeling for that other woman... whats her name again? See? I only love Juliet! "What a change is here?" is all he could say to me. I talked him out of his stubborn mind set though and convinced him to marry us. He said that by doing so, he could end the fight my family is having with the Capulets. I hope so.

I walked the streets of Verona later that day when I came across Benvolio and Mercutio. They were fairly mad that I had left them in such a way the night before, but after some talking they were fine again and they noticed that I was back the my normal self. We had some jokes before the "hoar" came along. Ah, Mercutio you make me laugh. She came on behalf of my fair Juliet. Before she gave me the news, she lectured me on what she would do to me if I broke my Juliet's heart. I laugh at such a thought. Me leaving Juliet is just absurd. She seemed not convinced with anything I told her so I pulled out my trump card. "... at Friar Laurence' cell, (she) be shrived and married..." (2.4.174-175). I closed the conversation and told her to tell Juliet everything I had told her. I hope everything goes according to plan...

Sitting and waiting with Friar Laurence for my Juliet to arrive because when she does we can be married. Ah, something had broken the horizon. It is her. My love.

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